Projects - that fit , ordered by project secrecy

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  Politically Incorrect Edmonton Public
2nd April, 2016 (10:47am)
Monthly social gathering of antifeminists, MRAs, MGTOW, gamergaters and anyone else problematic and/or dank in Edmonton. Interested parties contact Eric Tiberius Duckman.
What everything means

All the little icons and what they do.

The Discussion.  Click on this to open up the discussion panel for this project. If you have any questions or observations about a project, join in with the discussion and help out.

I like to Watch.  If you don't want to join in with a project but still want to be kept informed about what's going on, click this icon.  You'll receive all the updates on your My Messages page as they come up.

Endorsements. If you know that a project leader is a good and trustworthy member of the MHRM you can add your personal  endorsement to their profile.  Alternately, if you know them as a complete arsehole you can add your condemnation.

SJW Troll. If their arseholery extends past the usual and you know they are a #Troll, you can flag them here.  Flagging someone as an SJW is a serious thing.  We allow a lot of freedom here, simply being an arsehole won't get anybody moderated, but we will look into it.

Illegal Activity. We take activism seriously.  If somebody is proposing a project that breaks any laws, please let us know.  Obviously the more we trust you the more seriously we'll take your flags.


What is "What's for me?"?

If you show the Projects in the "What's for me?" layout, it removes all project above your security level and highlights the projects that match your profile in Yellow.


Order by

  • recent: shows most recent projects first.
  • project secrecy: projects are displayed in order of least to most sensitive.
  • trustability: the projects are displayed in of most trusted members first.


Text formatting for Comments

Currently we only have three formatting options (bold, italics and links).

1. **Hello World!** => Hello World!

2. *Hello World!* => Hello World!

3. [Hello World!]( => Hello World!


What's with all the redacted text?

Each project is marked with a particular security rating.  If the project is rated as higher than your level you won't be able to read it.

Alternately, you may be at the highest security rating but have forgotten to log in.


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